Thursday, November 9, 2017

About pomegranates, dogs, an insight and leather goods.


This time of the year, the pomegranates are in season, ready to eat. I love their color: deep deep red skin; some are one side red, the other side off-white/ beige. The beads inside are an  almost translucent red. I like pomegranates if the pits in the beads are not to big and bitter but I don't like to pare them; it is a tedious, patience demanding job and you have to be careful not to stain your cloths, the countertop or the floor, they cause very nasty stains! But they make beautiful pictures .


An obsevation and a deduction.

I  was aware that our dog is jealous: when we pet a dog, she comes running to be petted too! Last Sunday we went for a walk and on the road we met the neighbor's dog; because his owners are away for a few days, we petted and stroked him more than usually so he won't feel lonely;  he is easily scared when he is on his own and  barks the whole day and the whole night. By petting him we not only perform works of  mercy, but we make him feel less lonely and he is more quiet. Our dog was a little behind us and saw me petting the dog. They are friends and get along well. When she was close to me I wanted to stroke her too, she loves to be stroked, but she turned her head away. I protruded my hand again to stroke her and she did it again, this was no coincidence! She turned away and went a little bit farther and lied down. I called my husband to watch, did some steps in her direction and she stood up and took off! Have you ever!

Dog painted by Hilde Denys owner of LoveLea
I painted our dog in my favorite position.

As you may have understood from the previous post, I have some trouble seeing myself  as the person who I am.  There was a time when I was really skinny, but I couldn't see it myself. These days, when I see myself unexpectedly in the mirror, I can see myself as I am, not skinny but not fat either while when I look intentionally in a mirror, I see someone fat. The same happens when I think about myself as a person, I can't see or understand who I am. In "Feel free to prosper"  Marilynn Jenett says that the subconscious only hears dominant words and when we criticize others, the subconscious thinks we are speaking about ourselves! It's about 1 year I read this statement and I didn't do anything with it. Some days ago, "mon jeton est tombé": if I start saying nice things about others, if I praise them instead of criticize, then my subconscious will think I am talking about myself and  I 'll be able to see myself in a good light!!! Wouldn't that be great?

Black Leather Jewels

As I told you in my last post, I made 2 choker and 2 bracelets in lean black leather for the year-end feasts.  They are multi stylish (if there is a word like this): you could wear the choker easily in a "chique" way or, if this is not you, in a Gothic style. If you choose chique, you could wear the bracelet combined with a golden chain, provided you want to wear a set. The choker and the bracelet  will make a Gothic outfit  very Gothic. How about a choker with some chains, cool I think!

LoveLea's black leather choker
LoveLea's black leather choker.

LoveLea's black leather bracelets.
LoveLea's bracelets in black leather

Small leather goods.

X-mas is coming and New Year, everybody wants to get presents for their loved ones, children, grand children, friends, relatives, neighbors, a business relation and I have crafted some business card wallets. I have small envelops in different colors in mind, but I'll create them in the course of next week.

  LoveLea's leather business cards wallets
LoveLea's leather business cards wallets

 LoveLoveLea's brown, night blue and pale blue leather business cards wallets
LoveLea's brown, night blue and pale blue
leather business cards wallets.

The wallet to the right is in a very nice blue leather, the color of the sky before rain falls down. Lying flat is a wallet in a very soft, pale blue leather and to its right a cable holder in the same leather, goes together in your tote.  For the brown wallet I used the skin inside out, the brown was much deeper and richer; my husband prefers this one because it is less slippery on the outside and the smooth inside lets your cards slip in more easily.

Tell me, which one do you prefer? all of them are for sale at my fb page, link in the left column. I will be making more in the next week and a choker embellished with a chain for the Gothic lovers.

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The event of the year (in my town), Pro's of having a dog, How I excorcise inspiration; My revamped quote!

The event of the year Last Friday it was my daughter's birthday and it was the first day of Suikerrock, a 3 day rock festival in our...

The event of the year (in my town), Pro's of having a dog, How I excorcise inspiration; My revamped