Thursday, August 9, 2018

How to get more energy! Leather jewelry + vintage buttons; what my oracle told me!

What I do to get more energy

I don't know about you, but hot weather kills me; we are having temperatures between 25 &35° since June! I get up early in the morning, between 6 & 7, open all the windows so the cool weather can enter the house, close everything after 8 o'clock. I am able to blog, pin my pins, visit facebook and do some studying till 10. Then we have breakfast, I clean up  the kitchen, do some small chores, an hour of designing and creating and by 14.00 I am off to my siesta. 1 Hour, sometimes 1.5 hours later  I get up refreshed and feeling alive again, feeling energized ready to attack the remaining of the day.

Sometimes I don't make it to my siesta and then music is my remedy. Listening to music makes me feel alive and vibrate intensely, especially Pachelbell's canon is my go to. Upon hearing this exquisite music, I feel ecstasy! rapture. It empowers me, gives me energy like a big shot of caffeine  but without the bad side effects. Another composer that gives me wings is G. Fr. Haendel! His whole oeuvre never fails to move and touch me and I continue my day lightly and purposeful.

So, what is energizing you? what do you need to continue your day, your week, your life? Hit the comment button at the end of the post and tell us.

Leather jewels with vintage buttons.

The week before I told you about my mothers box with vintage buttons, I went through my own and very small stash and 3 of them appealed to me. Coincidentally,, they are the biggest buttons of all, the biggest measuring 4.2 cm!

Choosing the buttons 

is the first step. Which button is puling me? If nothing comes out, I expose the buttons somewhere I can see them. When I feel ready, I have a second look and mostly something appeals to me; I take this items out and put aside. Then comes finding a matching piece of leather; the color has to be right and the quality of the leather: rigid as for the dark green cuff  to support the huge button or more supple like the other 2 bracelets.

The narrow leather bracelet with the red vintage button is my favorite, looks a bit like a sixties watch! Wear this with an all black outfit, in summer or winter, it will always look good.

LoveLea's black leather bracelet with red vintage button

The wide dark green leather bracelet, almost a cuff is also a favorite; the color appears to be black but it really is dark green. The button is huge, as I said before: 4,2 cm! I attached it with a strap of leather that peeps out from under the button. To wear for a more festive occasion!

LoveLea's dark green leather bracelet with big vintage button
LoveLea's dark green leather bracelet with big vintage button

And the 3rd one in navy blue leather with a square vintage button would do well in the French Riviera Style. Tassels are still widely applied and enjoyed. This bracelet won't outdate easily.

LoveLea's navy leather bracelet,  white vintage button& leather tassels
LoveLea's navy leather bracelet,
white vintage button& leather tassels

More poolwear!

I continue creating more bracelets and necklaces in the pool wear style. I wasn't planning on showing this creations but I"ll show one of them anyway. The leather I used is a very dark purple and I can't catch the right color in my picture. The only solution is to state that the color is purple. But! you know intellectual property, I wouldn't want to plagiarize so I came up with this:

Lovelea's purple leather/metal chain pool wear bracelet.
Lovelea's purple leather/metal chain
 pool wear bracelet.

What my plant oracle tells me!

Years ago I couldn't resist buying a plant oracle set of cards in my favorite bookshop. The chosen plants belong to "the magic flora of the druids". I confess that I have a penchant for everything old, historical, magic, mystery, druids, shaman. On Sunday I felt like using my cards, not to have a look at my future, but to get insight in stuff that is bothering me.

I took my set out of the box and 1 card, the Stachys officinalis, was on top but reversed. I turned it the good way, put it on top of the stash, cut the cards, mixed them and spread  them. 1 Card was sticking out and I felt magnetized to that card, it literally pulled me! Sometimes I have this pulling feeling but never had it this strong. I pulled the card and when I turned the card, it was the very Stachys officinalis. I was flabbergasted, pfff pretty amazing, something out of a book or a film was actually happening to me! This card is about driving out negativity! How about that, right on top! Now I know what to focus on; it is a good start to choose my path and forge my "plan de campagne".

Are you familiar with cards? Do you use cards? I would like to know more about this subject first hand.

By next week my revamp project will be ready and I'll show you the finished product and explain briefly how I did it.

Thanks for reading. See you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Dear mother,

    I have a set of oracle cards and from time to time I use it, espcially when there is a specific issue what’s bothering or worrying me. So I shuffle the cards and think about my issue and then I ask the Universe to show me or give me a card that could be helpful at this moment. And then I always receive amazingly interesting cards that are of good help!

    Take care,
    Your loving daughter


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The event of the year (in my town), Pro's of having a dog, How I excorcise inspiration; My revamped